Professional organizations provide opportunities for networking, continuing education, and professional development. Links to the websites of some of the leading professional organizations in the fields of international commercial arbitration and investor-state arbitration are provided below.
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb).
CIArb is a London-based professional organization for practitioners in the field of international alternative dispute resolution with over 13,000 members in 127 countries. It publishes practice and ethical guidelines, as well as model arbitration and dispute resolution clauses, which are available for download in PDF format without charge. It also offers fee-based training and development workshops.
- Institute for Transnational Arbitration.
This non-profit organization, affiliated with the Center for American and International Law, provides continuing education workshops and professional development resources for practitioners involved in transnational commercial dispute resolution.
- International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).
ICCA is a professional organization with a worldwide membership that promotes arbitration and other alternative methods of dispute resolution. ICCA's website provides free access to its Guide to the Interpretation of the New York Convention, a series of topical reports issued by ICCA task forces, and this informational webpage about ICCA projects, which includes links to webinar recordings.
Note that other ICCA publications, including the ICCA Yearbook: Commercial Arbitration, the ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, and the ICCA Congress Series, are available on Kluwer Arbitration. Use the "ICCA Publications" menu on the main menu bar near the top of the Kluwer Arbitration homepage.