N.B.: Libraries may still have limited or restricted access and services. Please research the most current access policy and restrictions of any library prior to visiting.
This Law Library ILL service can try to accommodate rush requests, however, this service, nor other libraries' ILL services, is not staffed 24/7. Though the local academic loan service, facilitated by the nearby Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) member libraries, may operate throughout the week, it does not support rush service requests.
Here are tips for the occasions where a Georgetown University Law Center member needs something urgently, especially after business hours and over the weekends.
Local law libraries are not full members of WRLC and not full participants of the local academic loan service. They may not allow you to enter even with a Georgetown University ID. You do not have borrowing privileges at local law libraries. Please contact that law library's access services department, or consult this Law Library's Reference Services, before visiting.
For electronic materials, like articles, off a database not subscribed to by the Law Library, check a local academic (non-law) library's A-Z list of databases usually provided on a library's website. If the local academic (non-law) library is a WRLC member and has the database you need (and it covers the dates or volumes of your citation), then using your Georgetown University ID visit that non-law library. It would be best if you contact the reference desk at that library to make sure you can access the database on a public computer station and that the database is not restricted to their school or individually assigned credentials. Like this Law Library, local academic libraries may have databases, such as Lexis, Westlaw & Bloomberg Law, that cannot be freely accessed on-site by those who are not directly affiliated with the school. Local academic law libraries are not full members of the local academic libraries and may not allow you to enter even with a Georgetown University ID.
This Law Library does not know the sign-on credentials belonging to other libraries. Libraries do not hand out sign-on credentials to their licensed electronic subscriptions to other libraries or individuals who are not their patrons.