Interlibrary Loan FAQs

Answers to the most commonly asked questions about Georgetown Law ILL.

What Materials Can Be Obtained Through ILL for Georgetown Law Library Patrons?

Items that this Law Library ILL service can try to obtain from ILL-participating libraries include:

  • Books; microfilm; microfiche; reports;
  • Copies of articles from journals, magazines and newspapers;
  • Copies of specific pages, single chapter or sections from a book that do not exceed more than one chapter or 10% of the entire work, whichever is less. This policy does not apply to course textbooks, such as casebooks.
  • Materials that are owned by the Law Library but are Checked Out, Recalled, at Bindery, Lost or Missing.

However, please read What Cannot Be Processed or Obtained for the kinds of published materials that are unobtainable through this ILL service


  • Georgetown Law members may shorten the turnaround time to get books by requesting titles directly from main campus and other local academic non-law libraries. Perform a "Georgetown U. + Local Academic Libraries)" Search and submit a Request from a Local Academic Library under How to Get It within a matching result.
  • Submit a library purchase request for law-related materials that are too new or not loaned (e.g., scholarly reference materials) by ILL-participating libraries.