Interlibrary Loan FAQs

Answers to the most commonly asked questions about Georgetown Law ILL.

How Do Georgetown Law Library Patrons Check the Statuses of ILL Requests?

Your Law Library ILLiad account offer these features:

  • Outstanding Requests to track requests that have not yet been filled.
    • If a request has been processed by the ILL staff, it will remain in Waiting for a Lender status until a scan has been delivered to your account, or a loan has been received by this ILL service.
  • Checked Out Items to review checked out ILLs.
  • Renewal Request through each Checked Out Item record to request a loan extension.
  • History Requests to review a list of completed ILLs.

The status descriptions provided through the ILLiad system are general. For detailed update, Georgetown Law Library patrons may contact this Law Library ILL service (, 202-662-9154, or visit the service in the atrium during business hours and ask for the ILL Coordinator).