Source Collection Information for Journal Staff

A manual to assist Journal Staff with starting a source collection assignment.

Before You Start Your Search ...

What Format Do You Need?

Can you make do with an HTML or transcribed text of the article? Or do you need the article appearing as if printed (separated and numbered pages) but in a PDF format? First check in your journal's manual or with your editor to find what format is acceptable.

Print Equivalent (or "PDF") Options

The following databases and publishers provide print equivalent of many or all articles in PDF: •HeinOnlineAcademic Search PremierJSTORProquestEBSCOhostWeb of ScienceProject MuseOxfordCambridgeSpringer.

Transcribed Texts

Some databases, like Westlaw and Lexis, may provide the transcribed text of the print version of the article, but with ‘star’ pagination. Though the article's content may not be visually divided into pages, with the star pagination information you can use these transcribed versions in the same manner as a copy of a formally "printed" article. An ILL request for the printed article version is unnecessary.

Web-only, Dot Com works

Some publishers now publish content only through their website without print equivalents (hard copy version or PDFs of print). For these instances, you will have to cite the HTML version. There will be no ILL option to obtain a printed version that does not exist.

Printed Versions, Online Licenses & ILL

Check Non-Georgetown University Licensed Online Subscriptions & ILL in the Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Journal Staff guide.

Dealing With Broken URLs to Web Articles?

Is the citation’s URL no longer live or does not display expected content?

Try the URL in Internet Archives’ Wayback Machine.

Want to save a cited web site/url?

  • Contact your Journal Liaison to discuss which caches the contents of a cited web page, creates a permanent link and provides access to the cached and current version of the web page for your present and future law review readers.
  • Wayback Machine’s Save Page Now: Creates a permanent Internet Archive URL and saves the webpage.

Missing or Poor Citation Information?

Unsure What Kind of Citation You Have?

Ask for assistance from Reference Services or your Journal Liaison to help you interpret a difficult citation, identify missing citation information, find the source for a given quotation, etc.

Need More Help?

Ask for assistance from Reference Services or your Journal Liaison.