Legal History: Crime and Punishment Research Guide

This guide details primary English and American resources on the history of crime and punishment.

Crime & Punishment in England & Europe - Primary Sources

There are numerous primary materials available in the library on crime and punishment in England and Europe. Only a few are listed here. Search for materials under Crime, Crime and Punishment, Capital Punishment, Criminals, Punishment, Penal Colonies, Prisons, etc.

K5103.B3 1769 Octavo
Beccaria, Cesare. An Essay on Crimes and Punishments. 2d ed. London: Printed for F. Newbery, 1769.

HV6943.C6 1926
The Complete Newgate Calendar. 5 vols. London: Navarre Society, 1926.

KD7865.M48 1884p
Mews, John. Digest of Cases Relating to Criminal Law From 1756 to 1883 Inclusive. Austin, Tx.: Booklab, 1995. Reprint of London: H. Sweet, 1884.

HV6945.N48 1974r
The Newgate Calendar. London: Folio Press, 1974. Reprint of London: Folio Society,1951.

K150.N45 Mfiche 53816-53818
Newman, Alan. Criminal Executions in England. With Remarks on the Penal Code, Prison Disciplines and Abuses, and Other Subjects Connected With the Punishment and Prevention of Crime. London: B. Steill, 1830. Reprint microfiche, 19th Century Legal Treatises: Woodbridge, Ct.: Research Publication 1990.

Includes extracts from the writings of Dr. Johnson, Jeremy Bentham, Blackstone, Colquhoun and others.

KD7869.S73 1991r
Stephen, James F. A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments). Littleton, Co.: F.B. Rothman, 1991. Reprint of St. Louis: F.H. Thomas, 1878.

Also available 4th London 1887 ed. KD7869 .S69 1887

HV9644.T5 1879p
Ticket-of-Leave Man. Convict Life: Or, Revelations Concerning Convicts and Convict Prisons.Austin, Tx.: BookLab, 1995. Reprint ed. London: Wyman & Sons, 1879.