Legal History: Crime and Punishment Research Guide

This guide details primary English and American resources on the history of crime and punishment.

General American Legal Sources

These are general sources on the early history of American law. Only a few titles are listed here.

KF361.A2 B5
Billias, George A., ed. Law and Authority in Colonial America: Selected Essays. Barre, Mass.: Barre Publishers, [1965].

Brown, Elizabeth G. British Statutes in American Law, 1776-1836. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Law School, 1964.

KF352.C46 1997
Chase, Anthony. Law and History: The Evolution of the American Legal System. New York: New Press, 1997.

KF4541 .C835 2001
Currie, David P. The Constitution in Congress: The Jeffersonians, 1801-1829. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.

KF4541 .C83 2005
Currie, David P. The Constitution in Congress: Democrats and Whigs, 1829-1861. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.

KF385 .D36 1823r
Dane, Nathan. A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law, With Occasional Notes and Comments. 9 vols. Taiwan: [s.n., 198-?]. Reprint of Boston: Cummings, Hilliard, 1823-29.

KF352.A2 L3
Fleming, Donald, & Bailyn, Bernard, eds. Law in American History. Boston: Little, Brown, [1971].

KF385.A4 F7 2002
Friedman, Lawrence M. American Law in the 20th Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002.

KF9223 .F75 1993
Friedman, Lawrence M. Crime and Punishment in American History. New York: BasicBooks, 1993.

KF352.F7 1985
Friedman, Lawrence M. A History of American Law. Revised ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985.

KF352 .A7 H35 2005
Hall, Kermit L. et al. American Legal History: Cases and Materials. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

KF4541.H34 1984
Hall, Kermit. A Comprehensive Bibliography of American Constitutional and Legal History, 1896-1979. 5 vols. Millwood, N. Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1984.

KF4541.H34 1984
Hall, Kermit. A Comprehensive Bibliography of American Constitutional and Legal History, Supplement, 1980-1987. 2 vols. Millwood, N. Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1991. A supplement to the 1984 edition.

KF387.H37 1978
Harmon, Robert B. The American Legal System: A Bibliographical Survey. Monticello, Ill.: Council of Planning Librarians, 1978.

KF380 .H67 1992
Horwitz, Morton J. The Transformation of American Law, 1870-1960: The Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

KD532.Z9 K44 1990
Kempin, Frederick G. Historical Introduction to Anglo-American Law in a Nutshell.  3rd ed. St. Paul: West, 1990.

KF352.M67 1974
Morris, Richard B., ed. Studies in the History of American Law, With Special Reference to the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 2nd ed. New York: Octagon Books, 1974.

KF4541 .O54 2005
O'Neill, Johnathan G. Originalism in American Law and Politics: A Constitutional History.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.

KF425 .P67 1999
Popkin, William D. Statutes in Court: The History and Theory of Statutory Interpretation. Durham N.C.: Duke University Press, 1999.

KF352.A7 P73 2000
Presser, Stephen B. & Jamil S. Zanaildin. Law and Jurisprudence in American History: Cases and Materials. 4th ed. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 2000.

KF394.Z9 R4 1977r
Reinsch, Paul S. English Common Law in the Early American Colonies. New York: Gordon Press, 1977. Reprint of the 1899 ed., Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin.