Legal History: Crime and Punishment Research Guide

This guide details primary English and American resources on the history of crime and punishment.

Crime & Punishment in England & Europe - Secondary Sources

This is just a sample of secondary sources available on the history of crime and punishment in the law library. There are many more materials available.

KJV3747 .A53 1994
Andrews, Richard Mowery, Law, Magistracy, and Crime in Old Regime Paris, 1735-1789. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

KD8371.A7 1986r Octavo
Archbold, John F. A Summary of the Law Relative to Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases.London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1986. Reprint edition of London: R. Pheney, et al., 1822.

Special Collections also has the 1824 ed. There are more modern continuations of this title in International and Foreign Law, under the title: Archbold‰s Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases.

KD7876.B43 1986
Beattie, J.M. Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

HV6943.B44 1973
Bellamy, John G. Crime and Public Order in England in the Later Middle Ages. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973.

HV9960.G7 C73 1996
Briggs, John et al. Crime and Punishment in England: An Introductory History. London: UCL Press, 1996.

KD7869.C48 1978r
Chitty, Joseph. A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law. 5 vols. Reprint of London: A.J. Valpy, 1816. New York: Garland, 1978.

Special Collections also has the 1819 and 1847 editions.

HV6943.C74 1977
Cockburn, J.S. Crime in England, 1550-1800. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.

KD8400.A75 T94 1988
Cockburn, J.S. and Thomas A. Green. Twelve Good Men and True: The Criminal Trial Jury in England, 1200-1800. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988.

K2292.F67 1994r
Forsuth, William. History of Trial by Jury. 2nd ed. Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange, 1994. Reprint of London: J.W. Parker, 1852.

The 1875 New York: J. Cockcroft ed. is on microfiche in Media [K150 .N45 Mfiche] (19th Century Legal Treatise, no. 57560-57564).

HV6937.A2 1980
Gatrell, V.A.C. The Hanging Tree: Execution and the English People, 1770-1868. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

KD8400.G73 1985
Green, Thomas A. Verdict According to Conscience: Perspectives on the English Criminal Trial Jury, 1200-1800. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

KD7850.H34 1736 Folio
Hale, Matthew. Historia Placitorum Coronae. The History of the Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. [London]: F. Gyles, et al., 1736.
Special Collections also has the 1847 edition.

KD7850.H36 1982r
Hale, Matthew. Pleas of the Crown: A Methodical Summary. London: Professional Books, 1982.

Reprint of 6th London ed.: A Methodical Summary of the Law Relating to the Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. London: J. Worrall, 1759, in Special Collections. [SPECL S-1149. S-1150]

KD7850.H3 P4 1716 Octavo
Hale, Matthew, Pleas of the Crown: In Two Parts. Or, A Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters Relating to That Subject. London: for D. Brown, et al., 1716.

HV6949.E5 H35 1979
Hanawalt, Barbara, Crime and Conflict in English Communities, 1300-1348. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.

KD7869.H39 1979r
Hawkins, William, A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. New York: Garland, 1978. Reprint of London: J. Walthoe 1716-1721.

Special Collections also has the 1724, 1739, 1788, 1795 and 1824 editions.

HV6943.A54 1975
Hay, Douglas, et al., Albion‰s Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth Century England. 1st American ed. New York: Pantheon Books, 1975.

K1705.4 .L33 1987
Hay, Douglas & Francis G. Snyder, Labour, Law and Crime: A Historical Perspective. London: Tavistock Publications, 1987.

Heppenstall, Rayner, Reflections on the Newgate Calendar. London: W.H. Allen, 1975.

KD566.J48 1983r
Jeudwine, John W., Tort, Crime, and Police in Mediaeval Britain: A Review of Some Early Law and Custom. Littleton, Co.: F.B. Rothman, 1983. Reprint of London: Williams & Norgate, 1917.

KD612 .L38 2002
Landau, Norma, ed., Law, Crime and English Society, 1660-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

KD7850.P34 1983
Pike, Luke Owen, A History of Crime in England: Illustrating the Changes of the Laws in the Progress of Civilization. 2 vols. Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein, 1983. Reprint of London: Smith Elder ed., 1873-1876.

Radzinowicz, Leon, A History of English Criminal Law and its Administration From 1750. 5 vols. London: Stevens, 1948-.

KD7885.C3R6 1770 Quarto vol. 1
Samuel Romilly, Samuel, Observations on the Criminal Law of England, As it Relates to Capital Punishment, and On the Mode in Which It is Administered (Tracts and Opinions on the Punishment of Death. Vol. 1). London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810.

Part of a 2-volume set on Tracts and Opinions on the Punishment of Death.

HV6949.E5 R83 1985
Rude, George F.E., Criminal and Victim: Crime and Society in Early Nineteenth-Century England.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

KJC9455.T75 1987
Schioppa, Antonio Padoa, ed., The Trial Jury in England, France, Germany, 1700-1900. Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt, 1987.

Includes: John H. Langbein, ,The English Criminal Trial Jury on the Eve of the French Revolution,Š and Thomas A. Green, ,The English Criminal Trial Jury and the Law-Finding Traditions on the Eve of the French Revolution.Š

HV6949.E5 T6 1979
Tobias, John Jacob, Crime and Police in England, 1700-1900. New York: St. Martin‰s Press, 1979.

HV6937.W44 1979
Weisser, Michael R. Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979.

KD7882 .W43 2001
Weatherford, John W. Crime and Punishment in the England of Shakespeare and Milton, 1570-1640. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2001.