Legal History: Crime and Punishment Research Guide

This guide details primary English and American resources on the history of crime and punishment.

Crime & Punishment ‹ Prisons ‹ General Works

Just a few treatises on prisons are listed here. There are many more materials on prisons and penal institutions from the 19th century on microfiche, as well as included in other, more general treatises on crime, and also included in the study of the transportation of convicts to America, Australia, and New South Wales. Check out other materials listed in this finding aid under Prisons ‹ The Old Bailey, Transportation, Women, and English and American primary and secondary sources.

K150.N45 Mfiche 33689
Bentham, Jeremy. A Plea for the Constitution. Shewing the Enormities Committed to the Oppression of British and by the Design, Foundation and Government of the Penal Colony of New South Wales. London: Mawman Poultry, 1803. Reprint microfiche, 19th Century Legal Treatises, Woodbridge, Ct.: Research Publication, 1988.

HV9471.I53 1998
Incarcerating Criminals: Prisons and Jails in Social and Organization Context. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Includes essays on women in prisons, history of crime, history of prisons.

HV8811.S46 1993
Semple, Janet. Bentham‰s Prison: A Study of the Panopticon Penitentiary. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Includes information on the Penitentiary Act of 1779 and the Hard Labour Bill, and the Panopticon bill of 1794.