Art Law Research Guide

This guide provides an introduction to notable resources for conducting art law research available at Georgetown University and online.


This page contains a select list of secondary sources on art law that explain and analyze various topics and legal issues.

For more information on secondary sources generally, see the Georgetown Law Library's Secondary Sources Tutorial or Secondary Sources Research Guide.

Treatises & Texts

The following is a select list of texts & treatises at the Georgetown Law Library on art law.  There are many other titles and resources available; use the subject headings given below or visit the Reference Desk for assistance finding more.

You can look for additional materials in our catalog using the following types of subject headings:

Academic Journals & Journal Databases

Scholarly articles on art law and related topics can be found in many law reviews and journals. There are numerous legal journals devoted exclusively to art and entertainment law.  Relevant articles may also be found in interdisciplinary scholarly arts and humanities databases.

For information on journal databases and how to find journal articles generally, including a list of key law journal databases, refer to our Articles for Legal & Non-Legal Research research guide.

For interdisciplinary (non-legal) scholarly arts & humanities journals and databases, see the resources provided at the main-campus Georgetown library (Lauinger Library), such as their Art, Art History, & Museum Studies research guide and their A-Z Databases: Art, Art History, & Museum Studies.

Select Journals on Art Law 

Tip: After clicking a link below, scroll down to "View Online" to see which databases offer electronic access to that journal.

News & Blogs

For lists of blogs related to art and the law, see the Center for Art + Law's blogroll and Justia's BlawgSearch Directory: Art Law.

The below list includes a few newsletters published by law firms; to find art law news on other law firm websites, try searching Fee Fie Foe Firm

Some select sources of news on art and the law include:

Art Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Other Reference Sources

When conducting art law research, you may encounter unknown art-related terms and concepts, particularly if you do not have an arts background. Numerous art dictionaries, encyclopedias, and similar sources are available that explain and define these terms and concepts and also often contain images of artworks.

Many more resources are available at the Lauinger Library on main campus. To identify art encyclopedias and dictionaries, start by searching their catalog by subject for "art dictionaries" or "art encyclopedias" or see their Art, Art History & Museum Studies guide. 

Other Research Guides

The Georgetown has a number of other resources that are relevant to art law research, such as:

For a list of all the law library's research guides, see Research > Research Guides on our website.

There are other guides on art and art law research that may also be useful, such as those listed below. However, you may have to search our catalog or contact the reference desk to see if the resources discussed therein are available at Georgetown.