This section of the guide provides a select list of mostly U.S. primary legal sources related to art law, but does not comprehensively cover how to do primary law research.
Generally speaking, if you aren't confident as to what primary law is pertinent to your topic or area of research, we strongly recommend beginning with secondary sources such as a treatise rather than diving straight into primary sources like statutes, regulations, or case law.
If you need to do comprehensive and/or in-depth primary law research, do not rely solely on this page; consult resources such as our research guides to case law, statutes, regulations, treaties, or foreign and comparative law or watch one of our video tutorials on how to approach your primary law research.
For state-specific research, consult our individual state research guides or our State Legal Research guide.
For sources for federal statutes and the U.S. Code, see the U.S. Primary Sources guide. The following is a select list of U.S. federal statutes related to art law:
For sources for federal regulations, see the U.S. Primary Sources guide. If you are doing administrative/regulatory research in art law, please refer to our Administrative Law Research guide. The following is a select list of U.S. federal regulations related to art law.
Fifty-state surveys & other multi-jurisdictional research resources may also be useful as a research tool for locating a state law on a particular topic.