International and Foreign Cyberspace Law Research Guide

This guide covers resources on various aspects of cyberspace law, including Internet governance, electronic commerce, privacy, cyber crime, cyber warfare, and cyber terrorism.

Internet Governance Resources

Table of Contents


The organic way in which the Internet has evolved is at once its greatest strength and its greatest weakness—making it highly flexible and scalable, but also vulnerable to security breaches. This section of the research guide addresses the ongoing debate as to whether the current decentralized, multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance is optimal and sustainable. It briefly profiles two key institutions: the Internet Engineering Task Force, a bottom-up open standards organization responsible for the development of network protocols and other technical standards; and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a more conventional, top-down entity that oversees the allocation of domain names and IP addresses. The guide also provides a selection of secondary sources and links to the websites of IGOs and NGOs that are actively engaged in the debate over the future of Internet governance.