CALS Asylum Case Research Guide

How to research asylum cases and track human rights conditions by country.

Best Places to Start

These are the best places to begin researching country conditions and confirm the details of the client's persecution.

  • Country of Origin Research (Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada)
    Responses to Information Requests - Extensive research by Canadian government on human rights abuses by country. Reports prior to 2015 are on Refworld. The National Documentation Packages and Other Documents can also be helpful.
  • European Country of Origin Information Network - ECOI
    Compiles recent country information specifically geared to asylum claims. Select a country and browse the documents, or add additional search terms to narrow your results. 
  • Refworld
    This is a vast collection of country information, reports, policy documents, national legislation, maps, position papers, case law, etc. Best to select country name and then use "filter" to refine the results.
  • U.S. State Dept Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 
    This annual report should always be supplemented by additional research, but is a great starting point.