In addition to state-related resources on Westlaw, Lexis and Bloomberg Law, look through a state's legal research guide to identify sources of information or publications that are not provided by the major legal databases. State legal research guides may be found as print publications, e-books or online research guides. The Law Library state research guides (also linked below) offer direct links to state-specific materials found on the legal databases, online books, web resources and research guides created by law librarians familiar with a state's legal publications and research strategies. The research guides also list titles to print research publications housed in the Law Library's state law collection.
A helpful resource (of lectures) that covers both primary and secondary state legal materials is CALI. Direct links to state specific CALI lessons are offered in each of the Law Library's state research guides. Georgetown Law students who need a registration code should go to CALI Lessons for Students.
et 10/2022
ag 7/2024