Treaty Research

This guide describes resources and methods for locating and updating treaties of the United States and other countries.

Full-Text Sources for Multilateral Treaties

The resources described in the table below contain multilateral treaty texts.  If you have a citation to one of these sources, you can use it to retrieve the full text of the treaty.  If you don't have a citation, you may still be able to retrieve the treaty text from one of these sources by consulting the indexes (for the print versions) or by using the search tools (for the online versions).  Note that some of these sources are still being published and continue to incorporate newly concluded multilateral treaties.  Others have ceased publication and include only older treaties within a specified date range.

Title & Description Citation Dates of Coverage Print Holdings Online Access
United Nations Treaty Series
Includes more than 100,000 multilateral and bilateral treaties registered or recorded with the U.N. from 1946-present.  Treaty texts are presented in their authentic language(s).  English and/or French translations also are provided, when appropriate.  Content is indexed by date, by country, and by subject.
vol. no. U.N.T.S. xxx 1946-present KZ172 .T74 U.N. Treaty Series Online 
To retrieve a treaty text by citation to the U.N.T.S. or by registration number, use the filter menu to limit by Volume Number or by Registration Number.  If you don't have a citation or registration number as a starting point, use the filter menu to limit by Treaty Type (multilateral) and at least one other criteria (Date of Entry Into Force, English Title, Subject Term, etc.).  It is also possible to search U.N. Treaty Series by Title for the name of a treaty or to conduct a Full-Text search of the entire series.

HeinOnline's U.N. Law Collection
If you have a citation to the U.N.T.S., or if the treaty has a popular name, click on the appropriate link under the heading Finding Aids in the center of the page.  If you don't have a citation or a popular name as a starting point, click on the link labeled "Search for a Treaty" to open the search template.  The menus to the left of the search boxes offer many options for searching by keyword, country, title, etc.  Be sure to check the appropriate box to limit your search to multilateral treaties.  To learn more about search and browse options, download the Quick Reference Guide.
League of Nations Treaty Series
Includes bilateral and multilateral treaties that were registered with the League of Nations, the predecessor to the U.N.  Some treaty texts are provided in their original language(s).  For others, only English and/or French translations are provided.  Content is indexed by date, by country, and by subject.
vol. no. L.N.T.S. xxx 1920-1945 KZ170.5 .T74 League of Nations Treaty Series Online
If you have a citation to the L.N.T.S. or an L.N.T.S. registration number, it is easier to retrieve the treaty text on HeinOnline (see below).  If you don't have a citation or registration number as a starting point, use the filter menu to limit by treaty type (multilateral) and at least one other criteria (Date of Entry Into Force, English Title, Subject Term, etc.).  It is also possible to perform a Full-Text Search of the League of Nations Treaty Series.

HeinOnline's U.N. Law Collection
If you have a citation to the L.N.T.S., click on the appropriate link under the heading Finding Aids in the center of the page to access the citation retrieval form.  If you have an L.N.T.S. registration number, or if you want to search for multilateral treaties by keyword, click on the link labeled "Search for a Treaty" to open the search template.  Be sure to check the appropriate box to limit your search to multilateral treaties..  To learn more about search and browse options, download the Quick Reference Guide.
Parry's Consolidated Treaty Series
Includes all available multilateral and bilateral treaties concluded between 1648 and 1919.  Treaty texts are reproduced in their original languages, with some English and/or French translations.  Parallel citations are provided, along with annotations documenting subsequent modifications or terminations.  Content is indexed by date and by party.
vol. no. Consol. T.S. xxs 1648-1919 KZ120 .P35 Oxford Historical Treaties
Select "multilateral treaties" as the content type from the blue menu bar.  Then search by keyword or use the filters on the left to narrow by country and date.
International Legal Materials
This American Society of International Law periodical selectively publishes significant multilateral and bilateral treaties, along with other types of materials (decisions issued by international tribunals, reports issued by international organizations, etc.).
vol. no. I.L.M. xxxx 1962-present KZ64 .I58 (Current issues on reserve.) HeinOnline



Council of Europe Treaty Series
(formerly the European Treaty Series)
This series includes more than 200 multilateral treaties concluded within the framework of the Council of Europe on a wide variety of subject ranging from cultural heritage to cross-border legal cooperation and human rights.  Accompanying the treaty texts are explanatory reports, declarations and reservations, and additional information about treaty status and ratification.
C.E.T.S. No. xxx

E.T.S. No. xxx
2004- present

KJE123 .A3 E97 Council of Europe Treaty Office website
To retrieve by citation or to search by subject, select "Search on Treaties" from the blue menu bar.  To search by country, select "Search on States and International Organizations" from the same menu bar.
Organization of American States Treaty Series
Includes multilateral treaties concluded within the framework of the OAS, as well as bilateral agreements between the OAS and its member states.
O.A.S.T.S. No. xxx 1970-present KDZ10 .T74 OAS website
Multilateral treaties may be browsed by country, by subject or by year.