Researching the U.S. Court of International Trade

This guide identifies case law access points and legislation and rules relating to the United States Court of International Trade (USCIT), a U.S. federal court.


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Jurisdiction and Composition

This section provides a very brief overview of of the jurisdiction and composition of the USCIT. For more detailed information, see the Court's pages for jurisdiction or composition.


In terms of geographical jurisdiction, the United States Court of International Trade is authorized to hear cases arising anywhere in the nation. The USCIT is additionally authorized to hold hearings in foreign countries. Congress granted the USCIT broad subject matter jurisdiction in the Customs Courts Act of 1980, which authorizes the Court to decide any civil action against the U.S. or its officers or agencies arising out of any law pertaining to international trade. The USCIT has the power to grant any appropriate relief in any case before it, including money judgments, writs of mandamus, and injunctions.


The nine judges who constitute the USCIT are appointed by the U.S. President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The judges are appointed for life, as are all judges appointed under Article III of the Constitution. The chambers of the judges, courtrooms and offices of the USCIT are located at 1, Federal Plaza in New York.