Job Searching Research Guide

This guide outlines library resources that will help you research potential employers and prepare for job interviews.


Guides on Transactional Writing

Guides and handouts from the Writing Center at Georgetown Law can assist with writing on the job. Please visit the Writing Center's website for the most recent updates.  

Key to Icons

  • Georgetown only
  • On Westlaw
  • On Lexis
  • On Bloomberg
  • PDF
  • More Info (hover)
  • Preeminent Treatise
  • Study Aid

Corporate Legal Departments

Most law students do not enter corporate legal departments right after graduation - in many cases, lawyers enter these positions after a few years of practice in a firm - but depending on your work experience prior to or during law school, you may be eligible for such positions. The Law Library has a number of resources, both electronic and in print, to assist you with this research.

More on Companies

For additional resources, see our Company Research Guide.

Resources to Use Before an Interview