New page under development that is intended to provide centralized access to various WHO data sources (such as the Global Health Observatory, below). Includes access to the annual World Health Statistics report.
World Bank:Health, Nutrition and Population Portal
Includes databases and “dashboards” for health and population data, as well as a browsable index of topics and pages gathering material on individual subjects (such as COVID-19). The WHO also maintains a Data Catalog that includes many health datasets.
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
The OECD maintains multiple data portals. OECD.Stat includes data from OECD member nations and selected non-members across a variety of subjects (“themes”), including health. (The link above is prefiltered for the health theme.) The OECD Data page allows for customizable data visualizations (such as the one at right) across a range of subjects, including health, as well as links to reports and databases. (The link above is prefiltered for the health category.) The OECD also has a separate page devoted to data related to COVID-19.
Global Health Data Exchange
Huge inventory of surveys, censuses, vital statistics, and other health-related data. Note that not all data are available in full.
CDC:Health Topics A–Z
Browsable list of topics that includes definitions and subject-specific pages (see e.g. COVID-19).