See a list of frequently used databases or search the full collection of databases available to you through the Law Library. For database-related issues, refer to our guide to troubleshooting database connection problems and send us details of problems you cannot resolve.
If you are just getting started with a new legal topic, start with our Treatise Finder to locate the preeminent treatises on a topic. Nutshells and other study aids that can give you a quick introduction to the topic are also covered.
If you are conducting research on a specific area of law, the library maintains a collection of Research Guides that can guide you to the best resources for researching that topic. In addition to guides for specific legal topics, there are also guides for conducting research in specific jurisdictions, both for U.S. states and territories and for international and select foreign jurisdictions.
The Law Library maintains several research guides that may be especially relevant to students preparing to write a note or comment:
Schedule an individual research consultation with a librarian to help design your research plan for writing a note or comment. A librarian will contact you within two business days of receiving your request to set up a meeting. Consultations are generally scheduled Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm, but we are happy to make special arrangements if you let us know.
The following resources from Microsoft Support and other institutions may be useful in addressing common formatting issues in legal & scholarly writing:
In addition, the The Writing Center at Georgetown Law offers various Guides and Handouts on a variety of legal writing topics, including the following on formatting:
For further formatting support, refer to Microsoft Word Help & Learning.