Scottish Legal History Research Guide

This research guide in Scottish legal history covers the feudal period through 1901.

2014 Independence Referendum

  • Macwhirter, Iain. Road to Referendum. New York: Cargo Publishing (UK) Ltd., 2013. 
  • McLean, Iain , et al. Scotland's Choices: The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards. Edinburgh University Press, 2013
  • McLeish, Henry and Brown, Tom. Scotland: The Growing Divide: Old Nation, New Ideas. New York: Luath Press Ltd., 2013
  • Murkens, Jo E., et al. Scottish Independence: A Practical Guide. Edinburgh University Press, 2002. 
  • Paterson, Lindsay, et al. New Scotland, New Politics? Edinburgh University Press, 2001. 
  • Scottish Government. Scotland's Future: Your Guide to An Independent Scotland. November 2013. 
  • Scottish Government. Scotland's Future: From Referendum to Independence and a Written Constitution. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2013.
  • Scottish Government. Your Scotland, Your Referendum: Consultation, January 2012. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2012.
  • Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Scotland Analysis: EU and International Issues. Presented to Parliament January 2014. 
    (This is one in a series of reports prepared by United Kingdom government
    agencies aimed at assessing how Scotland will be impacted by independence.
  • Torrance, David. The Battle for Britain: Scotland and the Independence Referendum. London: Biteback, 2013

For more publications such as bills,consultations and analyses on the upcoming referendum, the Scottish Affairs Committee's website (see link under Electronic Resources section at 10 below) provides access to such resources. For readings on the historical context for the 2014 Referendum and the origins of the United Kingdom, see Section 4 of this guide which lists secondary sources and relevant journals on Scottish history and politics.