- Dundas, John. A Summary View of the Feudal Law: With the Differences of the Scots Law From It; Together with a Dictionary of the Select Terms of the Scots and English Law, By Way of An Appendix.Edinburgh: 1710. KDC397.D85 1710 Octavo (SPECL)
- Great Britain. Record Commission. Inqvisitionvm ad Capellam Domini Regis Retornatarvm Quae in Publicis Archivis Scotiae ad Huc Servantur Abbreviatio. HB715.G7 1811 Oversize (SPECL). This is a three-volume set.
- Great Britain. Record Commission. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis Publicis Asservatum. 1306-1424. KDC290.G74 1814 Oversize (SPECL)
- Hume, David. Decisions of the Court of Session, 1781-1822, in the Form of a Dictionary. KDC113 1781.H8 1839 Nomn. (SPECL)
- Mackenzie, George (1687) Observations on the Acts of Parliament: Made by King James the First, King James Second, King James the Third, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First and King Charles ll. KDC76 1424.M32 1687 Quarto (SPECL)
- Records Commission of Great Britain. The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland [1707] KDC76 1124 Oversize (SPECL) . This is a ten-volume set. Index to the Acts listed under the Index section of this guide.
- Scotland. The Laws and Acts of Parliament Made by the Most Excellent and Mighty King and Monarch James, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, & c. Since His Majesties 15, Parliament, the 19. of December, 1597. KDC76 1597.S36 1674 Quarto (SPECL)
- Skene, John. Regiam Majestatem. The Auld Lawes and Constitutions of Scotland [1004-1400]. (1609 edition) KDC76 1004.S36 1609 Quarto (SPECL)
- Skene, John. Regiam Majestatem. The Auld Lawes and Constitutions of Scotland [1004-1400]. (1774 edition). KDC76 1004.S36 1774 Quarto (SPECL)
Regiam Majestatem 1609 edition

Compiled in approximately 1285, the Regiam Majestatem was first printed in 1607 and 1609 by John Skene. These Latin (1607) and English (1609) editions also include the Quoniam Attachiamenta, which served as a practice manual for the Barony and Regalty Courts, as well as several other early compilations of Scots laws such as the Leges Quatuor Burgorum [The burrow-lawes] .

Table of Contents of Skene's 1609 English edition of the Regiam Majestatem
Early Treatises
- Adam, William (1836). A Practical Treatise and Observations on Trial by Jury in Civil Causes, As Now Incorporated with the Juridiction of the Court of Session. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 1836. KDC891.A93 1836 Eldon E-003 (SPECL)
- Bell, Robert. A Treatise on the Election Laws, As They Relate to the Representation of Scotland in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh: George Ramsay and Company, 1812. K150.N46 Electronic
- Burnett, John. A Treatise on Various Branches of the Criminal Law of Scotland. Edinburgh: George Ramsay and Company, 1811. KDC913.B87 1811 (SPECL)
- Connell, John. A Treatise on the Law of Scotland, Respecting the Erection, Union, and Disjunction of Parishes; the Manses and Glebes of the Parochial Clergy, and the Patronage of the Churches. Edinburgh: Peter Hill and Company, 1818. KDC968.C66 1818 Eldon E-049 (SPECL). Also available electronically and in microform.
- Forbes, William. A Treatise of Church-Lands and Tithes. In Two Parts. Edinburgh: Andrew Anderson, 1705. KDC969.F695 1705 (SPECL)
- Forbes, William. A Methodical Treatise Concerning Bills of Exchange: Wherein is an Account of the Life and Progress of Exchange. Edinburgh: J. Mosman, et al, 1718. KDC510.F6 1718 (SPECL)
- Fraser, Patrick. A Treatise on the Law of Scotland: As Applicable to the Personal and Domestic Relations: Comprising Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1846. (Two Volumes, with an Appendix of Forms) KDC366.F72 1846 Quarto (SPECL). Also available electronically.
- Glen, William. A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Letters of Credit in Scotland. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Company, 1807. KDC510.G55 1807 Quarto (SPECL). Also available electronically.
- Hutcheson, Gilbert. Treatise on the Offices of Justice of the Peace; Constable; Commissioner of Supply; and Commissioner under Comprehending Acts, in Scotland; with Occasional Observations Upon Other Municipal Jurisdictions. Edinburgh: William Creech, 1809. KDC860.H87 1809 Quarto (SPECL) (Also available electronically).
- Mackenzie, James. A Treatise Concerning the Origin and Progress of Fees: Or, the Constitution and Transmission of Heritable Rights. Being a Supplement to Spotiswood's Introduction to the Knowledge of the Style of Writs. Edinburgh: Gideon Crawford, 1761. KD1500.M33 1761 Octavo (SPECL)
- Sandford, Erskine Douglas. A Treatise on the History and Law of Entails in Scotland. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne and Company, 1822. KDC402.S3 1822 Quarto (SPECL). Also available electronically and in microform.