Pandemics - Public Health Research Guide

This guide focuses on the law related to efforts in preventing, detecting and containiing pandemics on the international, regional and national level.


Ebola is a severe and often deadly disease caused by a virus. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, and often, death.

Ebola can occur in humans and other primates (gorillas, monkeys, and chimpanzees).

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa that began in March 2014 was the largest hemorrhagic viral epidemic in history. Almost 40% of the people who developed Ebola in this outbreak died.

The virus has historically posed a very low risk to people in the United States.

Government Agencies and NGOs

U.S. Government Information - Reports, Hearings, Regulations, etc.

Government publications, including Congressional hearings, Presidential Statements, the Congressional Record, Federal Register and more are maintained on the website. To locate the latest government publications on Ebola, simply enter Ebola and limit to the most recent year/month with the filters on the left.