Publishing Articles in Law Reviews and Journals

This guide is intended for all who wish to submit articles for publication in law reviews and journals.


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Gather Information on Style, Strategy, and Selection

There are several sources and tools to assist in the process of selecting and submitting articles.

Publishing and Publicizing in Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review (2016). KF250 .V65.

Publishing in Law Reviews and Journals, Harvard Law School Library. Information on choosing where to publish, article submission services, author rights (e.g., keeping copyright to your work), and more.

Writing for and Publishing in Law Reviews, Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library. Covers choosing topics for law articles.

Law Periodical Publishing Practices and Trends, Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals (LLRX).  A collection of links to law review articles discussing publication in law journals.  Some information is dated (this article was published in 2011), but the articles discussing law journal publication generally are still useful references.

Journal Selection and Metrics, Library of Rush University Medical Center.  While this guide is not focused on legal publishing, this generic discussion of how to evaluate journals when deciding where to submit a paper is completely applicable to legal papers and journals.