Journals listed in this guide include those that often publish articles on poverty and poverty law topics. You can locate many articles using the library catalog with an article search . Also, journal indices allow you to locate publications and articles by topic:
Using Articles for Legal and Non-Legal Research provides detailed information on research using legal and non-legal periodicals. Some specific journals on poverty include:
The following organizations focus their missions on legal issues concerning the financially underprivileged. Contact information can be found on the organizations' websites, linked below.
Unlike those listed above, the following organizations do not deal specifically with legal issues facing the poor, but rather with poverty more generally.
To search materials in the catalog by subject, use our Advanced Search. Select "subject" in the first drop-down box, then enter a subject heading (such as one of the ones suggested on this page) in the corresponding search box. You can run the search alone or include additional terms in additional search boxes below. To find books, it may help to first narrow your search to "Law Library Catalog" or "Georgetown Univ. + Local Academic Libraries" using one of the radio buttons at the top of the page. After running a search, you can sort by "Date-newest first" on the left to put the most recent materials at the top. You can also narrow your results to books only on the left under "Resource Type."
To find additional books, journals, and electronic resources at the Georgetown Law Library, use the following terms (Library of Congress subject headings) associated with poverty law to conduct Subject searches in the catalog.