Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Journal Staff

Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Journal Staff

ILL FAQs for the Law Journal Staffer

Questions Answers
What's the turnaround time for ILLs?
  • Copies can arrive in a few hours to 3 working days.
    • Since copies tend to arrive faster than loans, submit requests for copies of pages from books, reporters, dictionaries, etc. whenever possible.
  • Books can take 3 to 7 working days to arrive.
    • Need a book in less than 3 days?
      • Check for book title through Georgetown U. + Local Academic Libraries option in the catalog.
      • If a circulating copy is available, then visit the owning local academic (non-law) library to check the book out on-site. Watch out for books that are held at Shared Collection Facility or Off-Site Location as they will not be accessible directly.
      • N.B.: The local academic law libraries do not lend through the local loan service. To borrow their materials or obtain scans out of items housed exclusively in those libraries, you must submit an ILL request.
Who gets notified about requested ILLs?
  • If the request was submitted under your own ILLiad account, you will receive all the emailed notices.
    • You will be responsible for returning borrowed ILL items.
    • Keep ILL books within your possession, not in the journal's shared office shelf.
  • If the request was submitted under the journal's ILLiad account, the journal office/editor will receive all the emailed notices.
    • The journal office will be responsible for returning borrowed ILL items.
    • The ILL books should be kept within the journal office.
Where and how do I get the ILLs?
  • If requested under your own ILLiad account:
    • Books are held under your name at the Circulation Desk.
    • Copies are delivered electronically into your ILLiad account.
  • If requested under the journal's ILLiad account:
    • Books are delivered to the journal's mailbox behind the Office of Journal Administration's reception desk (Williams 170).
    • Copies are delivered electronically into the journal's ILLiad account.
How long are the loan periods?
  • Loan period varies for each borrowed item, anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks, depending on lending library.
  • The due date is set by the lender, not the Law Library.
Can ILL books be renewed?
  • Renewals, if allowed by the lender, can be submitted through the ILLiad account used to submit the request. Look for emailed reminder notices from
  • Renewal policy and periods depend on the lending library. Not every ILL item can be renewed, especially an overdue loan, and if allowed, only once.
  • Renewal periods are usually short. Maximize the use of the borrowed item.
  • Submit a new request to borrow a second copy whenever necessary.
Can ILL books be recalled by the lending library?
  • Yes, lending libraries have the right to recall their ILL books at any point. A recall notice will be issued to the email address registered in the ILLiad account. Please return the recalled title promptly as there are no grace periods and the lending library can quickly issue a recall fine.
Can I transfer my request to my journal's ILLiad account or vice versa?
  • No, ILL requests cannot be transferred between different ILLiad accounts. The ILLiad system precludes transaction transfers in order to keep ILL offices compliant with the copyright laws that govern interlibrary loan.
    • For example, if you already have an ILL book checked out to your name, it cannot be transferred to your journal office ILLiad account. If the journal needs to have a copy of the same book, then an ILL request to borrow a different copy must be made under the journal's ILLiad account.
Where can I or my journal return ILL books.
  • In the bins underneath the bank of mailboxes behind the Office of Journal Administration's reception desk (Williams 170).
  • At the Circulation Desk when it is open.
  • Library Book Drops, located in the library's foyer, when the Circulation Desk is closed.
  • Outdoor book drop, located outside the campus iron gates, on the corner of New Jersey Avenue & G Street NW, when the Circulation Desk is closed.

Tips for the Law Journal Staffer

Source Collection Tips

Research Tips:

Technology Tips:

  • Check your spam folder in your Georgetown email account for messages sent from the Law Library (e.g.,, main campus (e.g. and consortium libraries (e.g.
    • If you use auto-forwarding, be aware that if the first email account filters a message as junk, then that message will not be forwarded to the second account.
    • All library services issue arrival notices, reminders to renew or return, and/or overdue or recall notifications. Do not ignore them
  • The Law Library offers
  • How to take advantage of digitized books available on Internet Archive (IA):
    • Once you have checked out a digitized IA book, use a screen capturing tool to take an image of the book's page. Search on Microsoft Support and Apple support webpages to find the appropriate app or keyboard command to find or activate such tools or apps. Paste the captured image on MS Word. Use MS Word's editing features to circle, highlight or emphasize passages on the pasted image. When saving the document with your pasted images, use Save as Adobe PDF feature under File menu.
    • IA Tip: IA books and their corresponding URLs are permanent.

Note: These general tips are provided as courtesy only, and do not serve as formal technology support nor advice for journal source collection practices. Technology questions should be addressed to the Capitol Campus IST department. Always consult your editor for your journal's source collection policy.