Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Journal Staff

Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Journal Staff

Your Journal Editor Will Instruct You to Either ....

Submit ILLs Under Your Own ILLiad Account Submit ILLs Under the Journal's ILLiad Account
  1. Create your own account with an individualized, personal username & password.
  2. Register with (a) your name, (b) your University ID / UID, (c) your Georgetown .edu email & (d) telephone information. Your UID is a nine-digit number that starts with "8" found on a mobile ID under (i)nformation icon.
  3. Register as "Student" status.
  1. Submit requests under your own ILLiad account.
  2. For a forgotten username, contact the ILL Office (
  3. For a forgotten password, on the ILLiad page, click on Forgot Password? link & check your email, or contact the ILL Office.

Your editor will provide you with the journal's ILLiad username & password. (ILL will only provide a journal's ILLiad username to the editor.)

Editors: Log into the journal's ILLiad account, check under Profile to update any contact information, especially the email address.

For questions about journal ILLiad accounts, contact the ILL Office, at


In the ILLiad request form, within the Purpose of Material field, include your journal's name. In the ILLiad request form, within the Purpose of Material field, include your name, and/or any internal notations required by your editor.
You will be the point of contact and shall receive emailed questions, arrival notices, reminders and overdue messages.
  • The journal editor will be the point of contact and shall receive emailed questions, arrival notices, reminders and overdue messages. The editor may then forward any relevant messages to you.
  • You can sign in and monitor the journal's ILLiad account for the status of ILL requests that you submitted.
ILL books that arrive will be held under your name at the Circulation Desk.
  • ILL books that arrive are delivered into the journal's mailbox located behind the Office of Journal Administration's reception desk (Williams 170). Arrival notification is only sent to the email registered in the journal's ILLiad account. If the book is not in the mailbox area, then check in your journal office, or contact the editor.
  • You can sing in and monitor the journal's ILLIad account for the status of the ILL requests that you submitted.
Copies of pages are deposited electronically into your ILLiad account.
  • Copies of pages are deposited electronically (as PDF) into the journal's ILLiad account. PDf delivery notification is only sent to the email registered in the journal's ILLiad account.
  • You can sign in and monitor the journals' ILLiad account for the status of the ILL requests that you submitted.
You are responsible for returning borrowed ILLs. They can be returned to the Circulation Desk, return bins in the Office of Journal Administration, or Library Book Drop boxes when the Circulation Desk is closed. The journal is responsible for returning borrowed ILLs. They can be returned into the book return bins in the Office of Journal Administration, Circulation Desk, or Library Box Drop boxes when the Circulation Desk is closed.
ILL materials should be held in your possession. Do not keep them in your journal office. Do not loan them to another journal staff. ILL materials should always remain housed in the journal office and not circulated to a journal staff for non-office use.

Filling out the ILLiad Loan Request Form

How to Submit Your Request

  • After searching through the Law Library's catalog system and if you are presented with a "Request book, chapter, or article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)" option (which will lead you to a loan request form once signed into ILLiad), or
  • Search for the book title through WorldCat and submit via "Click here to request via ILL" option (which will lead you to an loan request form once signed into ILLiad). Play the tutorial: Borrowing from Non-Georgetown Institutions, or
  • Fill out a blank ILLiad Loan request form.
ILLiad Loan Form Field What to Enter
Publication Title (required field) Enter or copy and paste the title as cited. Do not abbreviate the title yourself, nor guess the full title if found abbreviated.
Author(s) / Editor(s) (required field) If there is neither, then enter "N/A".
Year of Publication Optional, but enter information if you need a certain printing. If nothing is entered, the more widely held printing / version will be requested.
Edition Optional, but enter information if you need a certain version. If nothing is entered, the more widely held edition will be requested.
Purpose of Material (required field)
  • If submitting the request under your journal's ILLiad account, then enter your name or internal office notation.
  • If submitting the request under your own ILLiad account, then enter your journal's name.
  • Enter other helpful information such as "Need vol. 2"

Requesting a Copy of a Journal or Newspaper Article

Fill out a blank ILLiad PDF Request form with the following information:

ILLiad Form Field What to Enter
Publication Title (required field) Enter or copy and paste the title as cited. Do not abbreviate the title yourself nor guess the full title if found abbreviated.
Article Title, Chapter Title, Sect. No. Enter relevant citation information, such as the article title.
  • In Bluebook citation style, this is the number typically preceding the title of a consecutively paginated journal.
  • For other citation style, the volume may be found following the journal title and preceding a parenthetical issue number and pagination, e.g. 6 (2): 124-132 where "6" is the volume.
Month and Date Important information when requesting a newspaper articles as the Bluebook citation style would not include volume nor issue number of the newspaper. Newspaper requests without the month and date will be returned to you for clarification.
Year and/or Edition Enter the publication year for the journal or newspaper article. (There would be no "edition" for a journal or newspaper.)
Exact Pages (Numbers, punctuations & symbols only) (30 character limit)
  • If you only have the starting page but need the whole article, then enter as "124-end." Otherwise, entering "124" will result in only the one page being supplied.
  • Please enter only numbers, punctuation (e.g., - ) and symbols (e.g., §).
  • There is a 30 character limit to this field.
  • Any worded information entered in this field will be ignored.
Purpose of Material (required field)
  • If submitting the request under your journal's ILLiad account, enter your name or internal office notation.
  • If submitting the request under your own ILLiad account, enter your journal's name.

Requesting a Copy of Pages Out of a Book, Large Work, etc.

Fill out a blank ILLiad PDF Request form with the following information:

ILLiad Form Field What to Enter
Publication TItle (required field) Enter or copy title as cited. Do not abbreviate the title yourself nor guess the full title if found abbreviated.
Year and/or Edition
  • Enter publication year and/or edition, e.g., "2023 3rd ed."
  • If nothing is entered, then pages from the most widely held version will be supplied to you.
  • The edition as a number, e.g., "3," should not be entered in the Volume No. or Issue No. field, or your request will be returned for clarification.
Article Title, Chapter Title, Sect. No., Worded Pagination Info. or Copying Instr.

In addition to entering relevant information found in the citation, enter any worded information for pages in additions to that of the needed article, chapter or pinpoint pages. Examples:

  • Book Chap: "Title pg, copyright pg, Chap. 6 Search & Seizure"
  • Encyclopedia / Dictionary: "Title pg,, copyright pg, entry for Search & Seizure"
  • Legal Reporter: "Title pg, copyright pg, § 32.15"
  • Statute: "§§ 40-23-191 through 40-23-199 (1975), eff. Oct. 1, 2015"
  • Statute-at-Large: "2014 N.C. Sess. Laws 767"
Exact Pages (Numbers, punctuations & symbols only) (30 character limit)
  • If you only have the starting page but need the whole chapter, then enter as "124 - ." Otherwise, entering "124" will result in only the one page being supplied.
  • Please enter only numbers, punctuations (e.g., - ) and symbols (e.g., §).
  • Worded information such as "title pg" should be entered into the Article Title field and will be ignored if found in Exact Pages field.
  • There is a 30 character limit to this field.
Purpose of Material (required field)
  • If submitting the request under your journal's ILLiad account, then enter your name or internal office notation.
  • If submitting the request under your own ILLiad account, then enter your journal's name.

Or, fill out the ILLiad Loan Request form with the following information: 

ILLiad Form Field What to Enter
Purpose of Material (required field) If using the Loan request form, you will have to include page information into the Purpose of Material field as the Article Title and Exact Pages fields are not included. Examples:
  • Book Chap: "Title pg, copyright pg, pp.32-45" or "Title pg, copyright pg, Chap. 6"
  • Encyclopedia / Dictionary: "Title pg, copyright pg, entry for Search & Seizure"
  • Legal Reporter: "Title pg, copyright pg, § 32.15"
  • Statute: "§§ 40-23-191 through 40-23-199 (1975), eff. Oct. 1, 2015"
  • Statute-at-Large: "2014 N.C. Sess. Laws 767"


  • If submitting the request under your journal's ILLiad account, then enter your name or internal office notation.
  • If submitting the request under your own ILLiad account, then enter your journal's name.

But Do You Really Need All Those Pages Out of the Book?

Though requesting a scan of pages may be faster than borrowing the physical book (you cannot "borrow" another library's ebook), a request that asks for an amount of content that infringes on fair use, or exceeds ILL libraries' scanning limits will not be honored by libraries.

Please consider combining ILL service with other resources or citation verification strategies:

1. Title, copyright and table of contents pages may be found on the Amazon dot-com's "Look Inside" feature for the cited book precluding your need to request such front matter pages to be copied by ILL libraries.

2. Table of contents do not exist in dictionaries and encyclopedias, where the content acts as the table of contents, or are excessively lengthy and will not be copied by ILL libraries.

  • Obtaining the title and copyright pages as well as the page where the entry or definition is located will suffice.

3. Table of contents in casebooks are too lengthy for ILL libraries to copy.

  • Most casebook publishers offer the table of contents, as a PDF, to their most current textbook editions.

4. A request that includes the ten pages before and ten pages after multiple pinpoint pages within the same large work may infringe on fair use since the pages may span across multiple chapters or sections.

  • Request to borrow the entire work. Or, for faster turnaround, submit a PDF Request form for only the pinpoint pages, with the title and copyright pages.

Ceased-in-Print Publications

Many publishers are no longer producing their long-standing, continuing publications in a printed format, or no longer producing new works in a print format for each of their born-digital products. These include publications like journals, newspapers, trade or professional magazines, conference proceedings, state regulations, special interest newsletters, etc. It is not possible for ILL service to obtain a copy from a format that does not exist. If you need assistance citing to an online-only, non-paginated publication, please contact the Reference Desk.

Submitting an ILL request based upon a found, or citing author's, non-paginated web-edition or dot-com version will not result in the ILL service researching for the existence of a print formatted version for you. Please seek assistance first from the Reference Desk to verify that a published item does exist or is still produced in a printed formatted and obtain from the desk the citation for the printed format version for submission into the ILL request form.