Articles for Legal and Non-Legal Research

This is a quick guide to scholarly article databases and indexes.

Use the Library Catalog

To find a particular article by its citation, you can use the Law Library's catalog and search by the article's title or by the title of the journal where the article is published.

Instead of using the main search box, use the Advanced Search option to do a more controlled and efficient search.

A screen shot of the Library's webpage with a red arrow pointing to the Advanced Search link. for the library catalog.

Advanced Search provides options to search by title and/or author in order to search for specific articles.

A screen shot of the Advanced Search page with one red box highlighting the location filter and a second red box highlighting the search options: title, author, subject, ISBN, etc.

You can also use the Journals option to search for the title of a journal using the Journal Finder. This search will allow you to find out if the Law Library has access to a particular journal or other periodical (such as a newspaper or magazine). For more help, view our Journal Finder Tutorial.

A screen shot of the Library's webpage with a red box around the Journals search option.

If the Law Library has online access to a journal or to a specific article, the catalog record will indicate where it is accessible under "View Online."

A screen shot of the catalog record for a journal with a red box around the link to access the online full-text


Interlibrary Loan

If the Law Library does not have access to an article, submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the article.