Source Collection Information for Research Assistants

A manual to assist a Faculty Research Assistant in collecting citations.

Borrowing Law Library, Local Academic Libraries & ILL Books: A Comparison

  Law Library Local Academic Libraries (incl. main campus) ILL (from libraries outside the region)
Loan Period 6 weeks. 6 weeks. Varies by lender.
Renewable? Yes, unless recalled. Three renewals maximum. Yes, unless recalled. Three renewals maximum. Varies by lender. No, if recalled. One renewal maximum.
Daily Late Fines? Daily Recall Fines? Yes. No. No.
Replacement Fines? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Fines Payable At / To: Georgetown Law Student Account. Varies. Georgetown Law Student Account.
Privileges Suspended For: Excessive fines. Excessive fines. Overdue loans or poor borrowing record.
Turnaround Time? Hold for Pickup service: 1-2 days. Request from local academic library service: 3-4 working days. Books: 3-5 working days. Copies: 1-3 days.
Proxy Account for Faculty? Yes. No. No, but ILL can be submitted on behalf of faculty by Library Research Services.
Contact for Problems / Questions Circulation Desk, Circulation Desk, Interlibrary Loan,

These policies apply to you, as a Research Assistant, borrowing library books and would not apply to your faculty. If your faculty wants to borrow library books, please check What If My Georgetown Law Faculty Wants to Borrow the Book? in the Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Research Assistants.

Local Academic Library Loan & ILL Services: What Services to Use When, Advantages & Disadvantages: A Comparison

Service When to Use Advantages But
Local Academic Libraries Loan Service (incl. main campus)
  • If you intend to use the book exclusively. If not then ask your faculty to email the citation to Library Research Services, at Research Services will take steps to submit a local loan request on behalf of the faculty.
  • On-Site Checkouts: You have privilege to visit a local academic main library & check out a book for immediate needs. On-site check outs can only be made to your own patron account. (Note: On-site checkout privilege does not extend to local law libraries.)
  • There is no proxy accounts for law faculty at local academic libraries.
  • Paying for the replacement of lost or unreturned books checked out in your name is your responsibility.
  • Local academic law libraries do not participate in local loans service. Use ILL insetad.
Interlibrary Loan
  • For you to borrow most types of print publications not readily available or accessible at Law Library or local academic (non-law) libraries, or titles carried exclusively by the local law libraries.
  • For you to obtain copies of articles, news articles, book chapter, pages or sections out of larger works not readily available or accessible at Law Library.
  • For items to be used exclusively by the faculty, ask your faculty to email the citation to Library Research Services, at Research Services will take the steps to submit an ILLiad request on behalf of the faculty.
  • Citation verification is part of ILL processing; can accommodate most poor or scant citations.
  • This is the only service where you can borrow books held exclusively by the local law libraries.
  • Loan period may be shorter than borrowing via local academic loan service.
  • One renewal only, if permitted at all. Renewal period can be shorter than initial loan period.
  • Turnaround time for books coming from outside local area is 5-7 working days.

If your faculty wants to borrow library books, please check What If My Georgetown Law Faculty Wants to Borrow the Book? in the Interlibrary Loan Instructions for Research Assistants.