International and Foreign Competition Law Research Guide

A guide to assist you in researching international and foreign antitrust issues, covering specialized electronic databases, secondary sources, and primary law sources.

News & Current Awareness

To keep up to date on the latest developments in international and foreign competition law, consult the follow resources:

  • Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog
    Part of the Law Professors Blog Network, this blog focuses on recent developments in U.S. antitrust law but also provides commentary and analysis on foreign and international competition law.
  • Bloomberg Law: Antitrust News
    Focuses primarily on U.S. antitrust law, with very limited coverage of competition law news from outside the U.S.
  • Antitrust Sites Worldwide
    This page from the U.S. Department of Justice provides links to the websites of antitrust and competition law authorities in dozens of foreign jurisdictions. Most include a news or media section, from which you can access press releases and other information about the latest developments in competition law in that jurisdiction.
  • International Competition Network
    The ICN enables national competition authorities to informally discuss issues of mutual concern and build consensus towards sound competition policy principles across the global antitrust community. Visit the Newsroom to access press releases and additional information about its work.
  • OECD Competition Page
    This portion of the OECD website focuses on competition law and policy.  From the homepage, scroll down to the ”Areas of Work” menu to browse by topic for committee reports, best practice recommendations, country reviews, and other useful materials.  The Law Library also subscribes the OECD iLibrary, a searchable, comprehensive database of OECD publications.