Animal Law Research Guide

This guide will assist in researching issues in Animal Law, Animal Rights and Animal Welfare.


Generally, we recommend that you start your legal research with secondary sources such as treatises and encyclopedias. Below, you will find a list of selected study aids, treatises, encyclopedias, databases, and other related materials on Animal law. 

If you are not familiar with secondary sources, or if you need to begin with a secondary source that provides you with an introductory overview of your topic, please visit our Secondary Resources Research Guide or our Secondary Sources Tutorial

Study Aids

Text & Treatises




These databases can be helpful for finding both legal and non-law-specific scholarship related to the topic of animals and animal law.

Finding Books: Catalog Searching Tips

To search materials in the catalog by subject, use our Advanced Search. Select "subject" in the first drop-down box, then enter a subject heading (such as one of the ones suggested on this page) in the corresponding search box.  You can run the search alone or include additional terms in additional search boxes below.  To find books, it may help to first narrow your search to "Law Library Catalog" or "Georgetown Univ. + Local Academic Libraries" using one of the radio buttons at the top of the page.  After running a search, you can sort by "Date-newest first" on the left to put the most recent materials at the top.  You can also narrow your results to books only on the left under "Resource Type."

Subject Headings

You can also find more animal law related texts by browsing through the catalog starting at KF390.5 A for animal law or searching the Library Catalog by the subject field. Searching by the following subject headings should be helpful: 

  • Agricultural Laws & Legislation
  • Animal Experimentation
  • Animal Industry
  • Animal Rights
  • Animal Welfare
  • Animals, Treatment of
  • Animals--Law & Legislation
  • Cockfighting
  • Domestic Animals
  • Domestic Animals--Law & Legislation
  • Endangered Species
  • Endangered Species--Law & Legislation
  • Horses
  • Human-Animal Relationships
  • Marine Mammals
  • Marine Mammals--Law & Legislation
  • Slaughtering and Slaughter Houses
  • Veterinarians
  • Wild Animal Trade
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Wildlife Conservation--Law & Legislation