Environmental Law Research Guide

Provides an overview of federal and state sources related to environmental law, including water law.

Using NGO Materials for Research

Many non-governmental organizations produce extensive amounts of research material; while much of it can be biased, mining the bibliographies for information sources can be very helpful.  Below are links to non-governmental organizations working within environmental law or environmental issues.

Scroll down for tips on using Google to search these websites.

Using Google to Search Websites

The Google site command is an efficient and effective way to search through specific websites or domains.  Simply combine your search terms with the command site: 

This image shows how to search Google for fracking sites.

The filetype: command can be combined with the site: command to search for reports on specific websites since most reports are published online as PDF or a Word Document. See the example below, which found all PDF documents on the National Resources Defense Council website where the search term "fracking" was found.This is a image using the filetype command in Google.