International Arms Control Research Guide

This guide supports research in the international law of arms control in both primary and secondary materials.


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Researchers in the field of international arms control will notice how treaties, reports and other documents outline the balancing of competing needs. On the one hand, there are issues such as the illegal trafficking of arms and the unauthorized development and use of arms technology, which pose serious threats to political stability, civilian populations and global security. On the other hand, there are issues such as sovereignty, trade and commerce, and the development of peaceful uses of arms technology, which are important for political stability, civilian populations and global security. This guide is intended to lead researchers through some of the primary materials and introduce important secondary sources.

Key Resources for International Arms Control Research

The law library has many materials on arms control and the titles below are meant only as starting points. To locate more resources, search the Law Library catalog using keywords (e.g. arms control AND Middle East or arms control AND United Nations).

Update History

Revised 11/2007 (mms)
Content added 4/2008 (mms)
Links updated 12/2009 (ras)
Revised 5/2013 (hec)
Revised 5/2023 (dei)