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Well-Being & Support: Library Readings

Select Readings on Wellness through the Law Library for the Georgetown University Law Center Community

Well-Being E-Books: Recent Select Titles

Dimming the Day
Beyond Emotional Intelligence
Living Beyond What If?
Shift into a Higher Gear
A Woman's Guide to Claiming Space
Conversations Worth Having, Second Edition
Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old?
The Communication Habit: Strategies That Set You Apart and Leave a Lasting Impression
The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets from the World's Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers
The Burnout Fix: Overcome Overwhelm, Beat Busy, and Sustain Success in the New World of Work
The Tokens
Pivot for Success : Hone Your Vision, Shift Your Energy, Make Your Move

Food & Cooking E-Books: Select Titles

Pot Pies
The New Kansas Cookbook
Honey, I'm Homemade: Sweet Treats from the Beehive across the Centuries and around the World
Burgoo, Barbecue, and Bourbon
The German-Jewish Cookbook
Gunflint Lodge Cookbook
The Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook
Adventures in Good Cooking
The Dessert Book
The Wellness Lifestyle: a chef's recipe for real life
Bright Futures Nutrition
Honey, Olives, Octopus
200 Surefire Ways to Eat Well and Feel Better
Keto in an Instant
Nutrition and Functional Foods for Healthy Aging
Great Old-Fashioned American Desserts
Just a Few Miles South
Appalachian Home Cooking
Northwoods Fish Cookery
My Bombay Kitchen
The Hot Brown
The Fighter's Kitchen
The Jack Sprat Low-Fat Diet
The Diabetes Cooking for Everyone
The Northern Heartland Kitchen
Cook Together, Eat Together
The Best Grain-Free Family Meals on the Planet
The Low-FODMAP Cookbook
Dr. Anderson's High-Fiber Fitness Plan
Sweet and Savory Fat Bombs
Vegans Go Nuts
Healthy eating made easy : save time and money in the kitchen.
Great Scandinavian Baking Book
New Orleans con Sabor Latino: the history and passion of Latino cooking
The Kosher Baker
The Locavore's Kitchen: a cook's guide to seasonal eating and preserving
A Conversation about Healthy Eating
Secrets from the Greek Kitchen
A Date with a Dish: classic African-American recipes
The Essential Plant-Based Pantry: streamline your ingredients, simplify your meals
Nutrition for Life
Gluten-Free All-In-One for Dummies
Superfood Breakfasts
Whole Food Slow Cooked: 100 recipes for the slow cooker or the stovetop
Eating Ethically: religion and science for a better diet
Northern Hospitality: Cooking by the Book in New England
Noodle Soup: recipes, techniques, obsession
Maintaining a Healthy Diet
The Little Slow Cooker Cookbook: 500 of the best slow cooker recipes ever.
Collards: A Southern Tradition from Seed to Table
Optimum Nutrition
Superfood Weeknight Meals
Healthy Gut Cookbook: 150 stage-by-stage healing recipes to improve your digestive health
Cooking for Crowds

Fitness E-Books: Select Titles

The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong Illustrated, Fourth Edition
Get Fit with Apple Watch
Yoga All-In-One for Dummies
Fitness After 40
Ultimate Plank Fitness
Partner Workouts
The High Intensity Workout: The Fast Track to Fitness and Health
Aerobic Exercise in Special Populations
Diabetes and Keeping Fit for Dummies
Science of Yoga
Idiot's Guide to Weight Training
Fitness for Everyone
Meridian Qigong Exercises: combining qigong, yoga, and acupressure
Core Fitness
Yoga XXL: a journey to health for bigger people
Idiot's Guide to Stretching
Idiot's Guide to Yoga
Dads, Kids, and Fitness: a father's guide to family health
Stay fit on campus : 10 tips for college students to stay active
Exercise for Mood and Anxiety: proven strategies for overcoming depression and enhancing well-being
Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Step-By-Step Guide for Parents and Caregivers
Walking --a step in the right direction
Fit for two : tips for pregnancy

Well-Being Books for the Georgetown Law Community

Curated Titles for Georgetown Law Students

Publications collected by the Law Library that focus, discuss and promote wellness among law students and in the legal profession may be found under Lawyer Wellness in the Law Library Catalog.

Law Center Supportive Services

The Law Center's supportive services have recommended well-being and support readings and these may be found in the following guides:

LinkedIn Learning

Offered by Lauinger Library, LinkedIn Learning is a library of trainings, weekly tips and self-guided courses to support your work life and help develop professional skills or learn new ones.The library covers topics in business (e.g.,s strategy, collaboration, diversity and inclusion), creativity (e.g., graphic design, photography, web design) and technology (e.g., computing, help desk skills, development). The following are LinkedIn Learning collection of online materials to support your wellness.

Topic: Health and Well-Being Topic: Mindfulness
Skill: Meditation Skill: Mindful Meditation
Course: Supporting Your Well-Being during Times of Change and Uncertainty Topic: Personal Effectiveness
Skill: Self-confidence Skill: Work Life Balance
Skill: Resiliency Skill: Anxiety Management

Sign in with your Georgetown email and you should then be directed to the university's single sign-on. There are more tips, audio-only and video courses in LinkedIn Learning that can be discovered by searching for keywords.

Law Library Catalog

Even more readings may be found by searching the Law Library catalog under relevant Library of Congress Subject Headings or keywords. The search results that appear by clicking on the subjects or keywords in the table in this section includes titles that are carried by the local academic libraries (members of the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)) and may be available to the Georgetown Law community members either through electronic access or a book borrowing service. For more information about how to borrow books, please contact the Law Library's Circulation Desk, 202-662-9131.

You may modify any large results by selecting a suggested Subject on the filter column. For example, the results for Books on Physical fitness may be limited to Physical Fitness for Women by selecting that Subject on the screen. You may also limit the results by adding a keyword into the search form and performing a new search.

You may check if there are locally held videos on these topics by removing Book as a Resource Type filter from the search results and then applying a Video filter instead.

Achievement motivation Adjustment (Psychology) Behavior modification
Bereavement Change (Psychology) Cognitive therapy
Cookbooks | Recipes Cooking--Courses & Dishes | --Methods | --Regional & Ethnic | Quick & easy cooking Creative ability
"Eating well" (as keywords) "Emotional balance" (as keywords) Faith & Belief & Doubt
Goal (Psychology) Grief Habit break
Happiness  Health & Fitness / Healthy Living Health & Fitness--Work Related Health
"Health eating" (as keywords) Insight Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal relations "Meditation" (as keyword) | O'Reilly ebooks on Meditation Meditation--Buddhism
Meditation--Therapeutic Use Mental fatigue Mindfulness
Mood "Motivation" (as keyword) Motivation in education
New thought Peace of mind Perfectionism
Physical fitness Pilates method Positive psychology
Quality of life Resilience Self-acceptance
Self-actualization Self-care, Health Self-confidence | O'Reilly ebooks on self-confidence
Self-esteem Self-Help Personal Growth | -- General | --Happiness | --Success Self-help techniques
Self-realization Solitude Spirituality
Stretching exercises Success Stress management | O'Reilly ebooks on Stress management
Telecommuting Thought and thinking Walking
Well-being Work-life balance | O'Reilly ebooks on Work-life balance Yoga | Hatha yoga | Yin yoga