Commercial Law Research Guide

This guide is for students conducting introductory research in the area of commercial law in the United States.


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Secondary Sources


  • The ABCs of the UCC 
    Prepared by the American Bar Association to offer guidance to practitioners in the use and understanding of aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code.
  • Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code (3rd ed. 2010-), KF879.514 .A53 2010
    Also available on Westlaw
    Multi-volume treatise providing analysis of UCC articles, commentary on commercial law practices, and related non-code laws as well as case and statutory developments.
  • Debtor-Creditor Law (1982 - ), KF1501 .D57 198
    Available on Lexis 
    A comprehensive multi-volume treatise, written by prominent experts in the field, which offers users complete coverage of all aspects of the debtor-creditor relationship, including current case law, practical guidance and numerous forms for the practitioner. In addition to comprehensive coverage of federal consumer credit legislation and the reprint of related statutes and regulations, Debtor-Creditor Law also features chapters covering several Uniform Commercial Code Articles, including Article 2 (Sales), Article 3 (Negotiable Instruments), Article 4A (Funds Transfers) and Revised Article 9 (Secured Transactions). PRINT VERSION IS NO LONGER UPDATED.
  • Commercial (UCC) Emerging Issues 
    This Matthew Bender publication is updated on a regular basis. It covers the most important and rapidly emerging issues today.  The commentaries examine a wide range of recent cases, regulations, trends, and developments. These accounts cover national, state and international issues and provide expert insight in important areas and legal developments. The ($) indicates that transactional charges may apply to access the full text of the commentary via the link.
  • Hawkland's Uniform Commercial Code SeriesKF879.527 .H38 1982
    Also on Westlaw
    Provides the official code text, official comments, variations enacted by the states, and Permanent Editorial Board comments. Includes section-by-section analysis and commentary on each article of the code, other related legislation, and case references.
  • Negotiable Instruments Under the Uniform Commercial Code (1997 - ), KF885 .B45
    Also available on Lexis
    This treatise provides in-depth analysis of both the pre-revision and the Revised Versions of Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code and the case law interpreting this Article. Discussion of UCC Article 4 , which govern the relationship between payor banks and their customers, and UCC Article 4A is also included. PRINT VERSION NO LONGER UPDATED.
  • White & Summers' Uniform Commercial Code (5th ed. 2012 - ), KF890 .W453 2012
    Also on Westlaw
    White & Summers' Uniform Commercial Code is a practice guide that provides an accurate analysis of the Code and proposes resolutions of common issues of interpretation.
  • Williston on Sales (5th ed. 1994), KF915 .W5
    This multi-volume treatise provides comprehensive coverage and in-depth analysis of sales law and focuses on the sections under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) governing sales transactions. Topics addressed include the contract of sale, rules of construction , statute of frauds and warranties. Updated with pocket part


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