Norwich, John Julius, The Popes: A History. London, Chatto & Windus, 2011.
Lauinger Woodstock Stacks, BX955.3 .N67 2011
O'Malley, John W., A History of the Popes: From Peter to the Present. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.
Lauinger Library Stacks, BX955.3 .O43 2010
Bellitto, Christopher M., 101 Questions & Answers on Popes and the Papacy. New York, Paulist Press, 2008.
Lauinger Woodstock Stacks, BX957 .B45 O5
Gillis, Chester, ed., The Political Papacy: John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Their Influence. Boulder, Paradigm Publishers, 2006.
Lauinger Library Stacks, BX1378.5 .P65 2006
Walsh, Michael, The Conclave: A Sometimes Secret and Occasionally Bloody History of Papal Elections. Lanham, MD, Sheed & Ward, 2003.
Lauinger Library Stacks, BX1805 .W34 2003
Duffy, Eamon, Saints & Sinners: A History of the Popes. New Haven. Yale University Press, 2002.
Lauinger Woodstock Stacks, 274.56 D874, S21
Rendina, Claudio, The Popes: Histories and Secrets. Santa Ana, CA, Seven Locks Press, 2002.
Williams 5th Floor, BX955.3 .R4613 2002 This is a book, translated from Italian to English, that contains entries for each of the 264 men who have served as Pope since St. Peter. While the entries are well written and respectful, criticism of certain papal policies is made and many of the works cited in the bibliography were written before 1980.
Levillain, Phillip, ed., The Papacy: An Encyclopedia. New York, Routledge, 2002.
Lauinger Library REF, BX955.2 .D53 2002
Coppa, Frank J., ed., Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1999.
Lauinger Library REF, BX955.2 .E53 1999
Brunsen, Matthew, The Pope Encyclopedia: An A to Z of the Holy See. New York, Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995.
Lauinger Woodstock REF, 274.56003 B885, P6
Kelly, J.N.D., The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,1988.
Williams REF, BX955.2 .K45 1988 This book is the ultimate reference source for quick information on each of the popes. Every entry has an accompanying bibliography of source material and there are many cross-references. The book is arranged chronologically.