Maritime Law Research Guide

This guide is intended as a starting point for research in maritime and admiralty law at Georgetown Law Library. Contents of this guide include sources for primary and secondary law, in both print and electronic formats, as well as relevant government age


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Primary Law Sources


Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants the federal courts jurisdiction over cases involving admiralty and maritime issues. Federal admiralty decisions authorized for publication are available through the West Federal Reporter system. Because admiralty cases may be removed to state courts, some decisions are available in state court reporters.

American Maritime Cases (AMC) is a reporter devoted to maritime cases. It maintains its own headnotes and digesting system. It is available in print in the library at KF1100.A2 A4 or online via Lexis .


There are three titles of the U.S. Code primarily relevant to the area of Admiralty and Maritime Law:


There are four sections of the Code of Federal Regulations most relevant to Admiralty and Maritime Law.