Title 18 is the United States Code's Criminal Law title.
For an introduction to statutory research, see our Statutes Research Guide guide. The following is a list of sources for the full text of federal laws:
If you are looking for legislation which has recently been introduced in Congress but has not yet passed, there are several sources to consult:
Title 18 is the United States Code's Criminal Law title. To retrieve United States Code provisions, you can use any of the following:
If you are looking for legislation which has recently been introduced in Congress but has not yet passed, there are several sources to consult:
For some federal criminal laws, there are compiled legislative histories available in the Library. These compilations usually include bills, Congressional Record debates, reports and hearings. To find a compiled legislative history, try a keyword search in the Library's catalog. For complete legislative history information, read our legislative history research guide. Good starting places for legislative history research include:
For state criminal codes and criminal procedure laws, consult Cornell's Legal Information Institute