Center for International Environmental Law
CIEL is a nonprofit organization working to use international law and institutions to protect the environment, promote human health, and ensure a just and sustainable society. CIEL’s Publications page links to scholarly papers on the topics that include biodiversity and wildlife, chemicals, climate change, human rights and the environment, trade and sustainable development, and more.
Environmental Law Institute
Headquartered in Washington but active around the world, the Environmental Law Institute is committed to “a healthy environment, prosperous economies, and vibrant communities founded on the rule of law.” Also publishes the Environmental Law Reporter.
European Union: Environment
This official E.U. portal is a good place to begin research on environmental matters of concern to the E.U., with links to legislation, reports, and other publications. Also see the websites of the European Commission Environment Directorate-General and the European Environment Agency.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
In addition to ECOLEX, the FAO offers the FAOLEX, AQUALEX, and FishLex databases.
Global Plastic Laws Database
Free tool which provides “a global portal and resource library for policymakers, organizations, and advocates focused on policy addressing the full life cycle of plastics.”
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
This scientific body reviews and evaluates information produced about climate change. Its website includes meeting documents and other publications.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Environment
The OECD’s Environment page is intended to “[help] countries design and implement effective policies to address environmental problems and sustainably manage natural resources. It examines the linkages between the environment and economic, sectoral or social concerns.” Allows browsing by topic or country.
TREND Analytics: TRade and ENvironment Database
Useful tool for staying up-to-date on environmental provisions included in international trade agreements.
United Nations Environment Programme
Main UNEP web page with full text publications. The United Nations Environment Programme in Geneva offers handy links to specific UNEP programs headquartered in Geneva.
The World Bank
Blogs and research reports prepared by the World Bank on international environmental topics include their ProGreen and ProBlue projects.
World Resources Institute
WRI is a global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society groups to develop practical solutions that improve people’s lives and protect nature. It publishes the annual World Resources Report.